Now you can convert your leftover currency into digital money
Having leftover currency is one of the side effects of travel. And oftentimes, travellers are faced with having to spend their leftover currency on their last day or holding on to their money until their next visit. But now, thanks to TravelersBox, there’s a way to effectively utilise the leftover foreign currency in their wallets.
TravelersBox is an innovative service that helps you make the most of your leftover foreign currency. With over 75 kiosks that are located in airports around the world, travellers can convert their leftover foreign change into real digital money. PayPal, Skype, iTunes, gift cards such as Gap or Starbucks are only some of the options. In addition, there is the donation button that allows travellers to donate to their preferred cause.
The service has been a boon to the travel industry and now there are plans to expand the number of kiosks in Asian airports. By the end of 2016 more than 40 kiosks will be launched in airports in the region allowing travellers to deposit their leftover foreign coins into their preferred online accounts via TravelersBox.
The company recently announced the rollout of new kiosks in Narita International Airport, Japan that will be followed by more than six other airports by the end of 2016.
In parallel to the geographical expedition, a new series of products and services, tailored to the Asian market is launched in all of TravelersBox kiosks around the world. Baidu wallet is the first solution out of a series of offers that are created specifically for the Chinese market – the largest traveling population in the world.
TravelersBox currently operates airport kiosks in Philippines, Italy, Turkey, Georgia, Israel and Canada as well. In each country the machines accept the local currency and other popular currencies in the area.